Connections requires players to find the connections between 16 words, and place them in four groups of four. If you want some help, we have the solution to Connections for April 19, 2024, along with hints to help you solve it yourself.

Wordle is a daily puzzle from the New York Times. If you want some extra help to solve today’s Wordle, we have the answer to Wordle #1035, plus some extra clues.

Luminar Neo has always been one step ahead of the photo editing game with its AI features. The Spring 2024 update—which will be available from April 25th, 2024—introduces three must-have AI photo editing features. Let’s see what they are.

When upgrading a PC, especially on a budget, you may often wonder whether it’s better to spend your money on a CPU or GPU first. Below, we’ll help you figure out what you should upgrade for your PC so that you get your money’s worth.

Is your iPhone’s battery not operating at peak performance as it once did? Take that as a sign to replace your iPhone’s battery. Fortunately, this isn’t hard or expensive. Take a look at all the iPhone battery replacement options below.

Having capable microphones on your earbuds is essential for quality video and voice calls. The better the mic quality, the better the communication. But wireless earbuds also offer a convenient and portable way to listen to music without the hassle of restrictive wires.

By all accounts, the Lofree 1% Misty mechanical keyboard aims to strike a fine balance between aesthetics and functionality. This shows in its complimentary design, such as the semi-transparent housing along with frosted keycaps that pair with the white LED backlight to create a cohesive yet customizable look. Meanwhile, the linear switches and poron silencing cotton pad support a quiet experience for those looking for non-intrusive typing.

Opera has one of the most underused integrated AI tools around: Aria. Its AI chatbot lives in the browser and works alongside you, helping you refine, craft, and generally be productive. It also features some really useful extra features that help set it aside from other AI chatbots, namely, its Refinder, Compose, and My Style options.

You have plenty of options in watchOS that let you customize your Apple Watch and make it your own. We’ll show you how easy it is to change your Apple Watch face and create a custom watch face using complications.

Bored of using ChatGPT for programming, chatting, and learning? It’s time to start using it for gaming instead.